THE BIG DAY! -- Granny and our new Grandpa Doyle were married on August 2, 2008 and it was a great deal of fun for all. Here are some photos, tho not very good ones, of the reception at Doyle's sister's home. First, the happy white-haired lovebirds seen from the second floor balcony of the house:
And here is Carol in the big day, all adorned in white and with a pretty terrific corsage:
Aunt Caren with a big smile during the reception: Our friend Rae with Anna:
Emma and Adam taking turns playing with the pinball machine in the house (those are old-fashioned toys from the pre-computer game era)--note Emma's beautiful dress which she and Granny made together especially for the wedding:
And here is Anna in her wedding-day dress outside with her cousins Eric from Salem, Oregon and Kellen from Portland, Oregon:
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